- 1923
- Shonan Spice Research Institute was founded in Fujisawa, Kanagawa.
Domestic production of food spice begins.
Founding president Minoru Nosaka - 1926
- The research institute was relocated to Nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo.
- 1927
- The head office and factory was newly established in Matsugaoka, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, and expanded production of citrus essence for Calpis using citrus peels.
- 1931
- Second factory was built in Ekota, Nakano-ku, Tokyo,
(Current head office) for Vanillin and Ester synthesis applied for confectioneries. - 1936
- Shonan Spice Industrial Ltd. was founded.
- 1940~1945
Citrus processing factory was established.
Citrus processing factory was also established in the Taiwan Hualien harbor for extracting oils from oranges and lemons.
Manufacturing of citrus fruit juice begins with the production of citrus oil.
Fruit juice for vitamin-C supplement was provided to the Japanese Army. - 1943
- Plant equipment was relocated to Kiyosato, Takane-cho, Kita-Koma-gun, Yamanashi. Preparation for evacuation begins.
- 1945
- Head Office factory was destroyed by Tokyo air raids and the Head Office was relocated to its current location (Egota, Nakano-ku, Tokyo). Established a factory in Kiyosato, Takane-cho, Kitakoma-gun, Yamanashi, to restart the production of citrus essence by the extraction of inulin (sweetener) from Chrysanthemum potatoes.
- 1951
- Set up concentration freezing facility in Kiyosato, Takane-cho, Kitakoma-gun, Yamanashi, and constructed juice processing factory.
Manufacturing of Concord grape juice using Concord grapes as the raw material begins at Kikyougahara (Nagano). - 1954
- Shonan Flavors, Inc. was founded with the capital of 4.5 million yen.
- 1967
- The capital was increased to 10 million yen.
- 1976
- An extra filtration film (UF membrane) was put to practical use.
Manufacture of high quality transparent fruit juice begins. - 1980
- Development of carbon dioxide sampling process begins.
- 1981
- Carbon dioxide extraction pilot plant is installed in the Kiyosato factory.
- 1983
- The capital was increased to 30 million yen.
- 1984
- The capital was increased to 45 million yen.
Large-sized carbon dioxide extraction equipment was installed in the Kiyosato factory.
Manufacturing of high quality non-heated fruit juice begins for concentrated fruit juices by applying reverse osmosis membrane (RO membrane). - 1985
- Production of marine extract products begins.
- 1986
- Fruit juice production factory was built in Shimmachi, Ugomachi, Ogachi-gun, Akita, for manufacturing and securing raw materials for high quality apple juice.
Contract cultivation begins for grape (Campbell variety) for processing. - 1989
- The Kiyosato factory was relocated due to deterioration and production expansion.
The Yamanashi factory was built in Sutama-cho, Kita-Koma-gun, Yamanashi.
Carbon dioxide extraction equipment was expanded.
Manufacturing begins of membrane concentrated grape juice for the purpose of apple turbid membrane concentrated juice manufacturing using the fertile soil at Yakima Valley in Washington State.
SHONAN (U. S.A.) INC. founded. Capital $2,000,000. - 1990
- SHONAN (U. S.A.), INC. increased capital to $3,000,000.
- 1991
- The capital was increased to 75 million yen.
- 1993
- Production of vegetable juice begins at SHONAN (U. S.A.) INC. The manufacturing of concentrated carrot juice begins by contract cultivation.
- 1997
- SHONAN (U. S.A.), INC. increased its capital to $3,500,000.
- 1998
- SHONAN (U. S.A.)INC. increased its capital to $3,740,000.
- 1999
- Expansion of production for beverage extract (coffee and tea) begins. SHONAN (U. S.A.) INC. increased its capital to $5,740,000-.
- 2000
- Fruit juice production of Yamanashi factory was moved to Akita factory. Specialization for manufacturing of spice and extract begins.
- 2001
- Started production of fermented vegetable juice using lactic acid bacteria at Akita factory.
- 2002
- Manufacturing of fermented vegetable juice allows for the management strategy plan to be approved for financing.
The 1st corporate bond issued. - 2003
- Shonan Holdings, Inc. was established, and then, took over and merged with a limited partnership corporation, Shonan Flavor Industries, Inc. A liquor sales license was acquired.
- 2004
- Manufacturing of fermented juice using yeast started at Akita Factory.
- 2006
- A contract plantation for Takami melon intended for processing began.
- 2007
- Certificate of ISO9001: 2008 (Quality MS) was acquired.
- 2008
- Certificate of ISO22000 (Food Safety MS) was acquired.
- 2009
- Additional plate-type low-temperature concentrators were installed at SHONAN (U.S.A.), INC.
- 2012
- Certificate of FSSC22000 (Food Safety MS) was acquired.
A contract plantation for tomatoes intended for processing began. - 2013
- Integrated product information MS (MerQurius) was set up and run.
- 2014
- Certificate of OHSAS18001 (Labor Safety Hygiene MS) was acquired.
- 2016
- Start sale of original brand fruit juice「sonomama」series.
The ISO9001:2015 certification acquired. - 2017
- ISO 45001:2018 certification acquired.
New mixer installed in Yamanashi plant. - 2018
- Liquid continuous sterilizer installed in Akita plant.
Joined Sedex (Supplier Ethical Data EX change). - 2023
- 100th anniversary of founding